Friday, January 10, 2014

My Testimony

I  had the great opportunity to grow up in the gospel. I have always know that this Church is true. I have a strong testimony of faith in our Savior. I know that if we put all of our faith in Him that we will be able to face any hardships or trials that may come our way. I know that Heavenly Father loves us so much and wants us to be with him again. I know that if we follow his commandments and the example of our Savior that we will be able to experience this blessing of living with Him again. I know that Joseph Smith was a true prophet and that he was able to restore the church by listening to the Spirit and following what God asked him to do. I know that President Monson in the current leader of our Church and I know that he leads and guides our Church by the will of the Lord. I know that President Monson loves us and also wants us to succeed. I have a testimony of the importance of family. I know that we are sent to this earth to create families and to be together with our families. I know that the family unit is central to God's plan for us. I'm so grateful for my family and the blessings I receive by being a mother to my two little boys. They have changed my life for the better. I love learning from their simple testimonies because they help me remember what is really important. I'm so grateful for my knowledge of eternal families and the plan of salvation. I lost my father to cancer when I was fourteen. It was a very hard and trying time for my and my family but we were lucky to have the knowledge of eternal families and knew that we would be able to see our dad again. This knowledge and desire has been a very strong foundation in my life. I not only have the desire to live with my Heavenly Father again but I also have the promised blessing of seeing my earthly father again if I live worthy. I know that this is possible. I know that if I live worthy I will be able to see both of my Fathers again. I know that my Savior died for me and that he lives again. I know that the atonement works and it is there for us to use. I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ Amen.

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